Quickview: Lit Cosmetics Glitters


To celebrate and congratulate Lit Cosmetics on their entry into the Sephora retail chain I decided to share quick swatches of my current Lit Cosmetics Glitter collection. Continue reading

Urban Decay Haul and Swatches

After a little snafu in the delivery process I finally received my original UD Haul order. As a disclaimer, I would like to point out that I purchased all products on my own, but I am a member of the UD Pro Discount  Program.

iPhone 4s 010

My haul included 10 of the Vintage shadows (some of which are going to be discontinued) and a backup Perversion 24/7 liner pencil (not pictured). As most of you already know, these are considered “vintage” because UD released their reformulated eye shadows this year that also had packaging changes. All of these I purchased in this haul were UD colors I had my eye on but never broke down to buy until the clearance sale began. So far, my favorite color is Lounge…which unfortunately is one of the discontinued shades.

Take a closer look at the shadows and color swatches!

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